November 01, 1996 A Woman of Substance Two hundred years ago this month, the death of Empress Catherine II brought many things in Russia to an end. Russia said goodbye to its last female ruler, and to the last ruler in its history to be given the title "veliky" (great). The period known as the Golden Age of the Nobility also drew to a close. Nikolai Pavlenko tells the story of the controversial and strong-willed German princess who siezed ppower in a vast foreign country and earned the ardent respect of her subject and outsiders alike.
November 01, 1996 Operation Whirlpool Forty years ago this month, an uprising in Hungary tested the liberal credentials of the new Khrushchev regime and ended a warming trend in the Cold War. Noted historian Roy Medvedev describes the events of autumn 1956 in Budapest from a contemporary Russian standpoint.
November 01, 1996 From Amerika with Love Where to get Russian-made gifts without traveling to Russia.
November 01, 1996 In Search of La Gloire A look at the too short life and rich work of the 19th century painter Maria Bashkirtseva.
October 01, 1996 Of Despicable Metal and Easy Behavior Various euphemisms on everything from spying to drinking to prison are covered in this issue's column.
October 01, 1996 A plethora of pies Pirozhki are the heart of any Russian meal. Making the dough and the stuffing is well described in this article.
October 01, 1996 Life Begins at 40 It is wholly appropriate that the 40th anniversary of Russian Life should be overshadowed by the 300th anniversary of the Russian Fleet.
October 01, 1996 Eternal Birch Bark While many of Russia's traditional crafts seem secreted in remote areas of the country, one at least is alive and well in Moscow. Alexandra Strelnikova shares the unique tradition of the Belov family.