November 01, 2008 New Year's: From Pagan to Present A consideration of the roots of Russia's modern three week binge between Western Christmas and Russian Old New Year...
November 01, 2008 Post-Soviet Dominoes? After the Georgia War, Russia-watchers are wondering who will be next. All eyes have turned to Ukraine. The location of ethnic Russian populations in "near abroad" states is considered...
November 01, 2008 Being Turgenev Ivan Turgenev is seen differently in the West versus in Russia. In Russia, his prose is often clouded by his "social concern" and the drowning of a puppy.
November 01, 2008 Capitals, Oligarchs and Cats A review of a new book on the Silver Age, another on a Potato Oligarch, and two children's books, including one about a cat...
November 01, 2008 Before the Fall Natalia Strelkova was an American living in Moscow in the late 1960s... this is the story of her run-in with our magazine's predecessor, Soviet Life.
November 01, 2008 Proletarian Delights "Raw beets and carrots," Ninotcha said in the eponymous film, when asked what she wants to eat. "This is a restaurant, not a pasture," the maitre de responds. What an appropriate segue into this issue's recipe for a tasty beet and carrot salad...
October 30, 2008 How to Fail at Business While Remaining Truly Russian Saw an entry from Stanislav Mishin's Mat Rodina Blog, when it was posted to Johnson's List. A superb and well-argued summary of several things Russian business people need to attent to if they want to do business with the West. Business Humor Russia File
September 26, 2008 Our Cartoonist on CNN! I just stumbled across this nice interview (July 07) of Victor Bogorad, who does the cartoons for our Survival Russian feature. Too bad the video is not archived online... Humor Russian Life Magazine Russia File
September 20, 2008 Russian Folklore Editor's choice of books about Russian folklore and folktales. Culture Literature Russia File