July 01, 2012 The Summer of 1612 A look back at the re-taking of Moscow from the Poles 300 years ago, by a couple of unlikely heroes. History
July 01, 2012 A Twist in My Insobriety A sober examination of some of the language of sobriety - trezvost.
July 01, 2012 It's All About the Eyeballs This spring, the front page of the Yandex search engine surpassed Chanel One in number of viewers. What does this say about the future of state-controlled media and political culture in Russia? Media
July 01, 2012 Back in the Saddle On May 7, Vladimir Putin glided back into the Kremlin to take the oath of office for his third presidential term. Moscow was eerily empty... Politics
July 01, 2012 Moscow Calling The arrive of telephones in Moscow in 1882 fundamentally changed the way citizens interacted with one another. History
July 01, 2012 Catherine Ascends; Peter Falls We read history through the eyes of the victors, and in June 1762, the victor was a German-born princess newly ascended to the throne with her husband, Peter III. To history she became known as Catherine the Great.
May 27, 2012 Publishing... Flipped! It is conventional wisdom that old-fashioned, ink and pulp publishing is in its death throes. But what if there were a way to "flip" the publishing model in a manner that preserves what is good, adopts what is new and useful, and filters out what is harmful and useless? I think we have found a way... Literature Russia File
May 01, 2012 Commanding Heights This issue’s lead story almost made me sick. I’m not a fan of high places, and some of Vadim Makhorov’s thrill-seeking photos made me feel a bit vertiginous and queasy. They are that good.
May 01, 2012 Secrets of the Northern Wind The Russian North is rich in superstition and mysticism. Monsters... UFOs... shape-shifters... dwarves living underground... There seems no end to the stories. Regions