April 23, 2014 Peace, Land, Bread Peace! Land! Bread! This was the battle cry of the 1917 October Revolution (old calendar) that changed the history of Russia and indeed the entire world. Since the time of Ivan the Terrible, the tsars concentrated on centralization of their power and control. The most common way of doing this was to take power away from the nobility, appeasing them by giving them dominion over their land and workers. This soon developed into the oppressive, slave-style condition known as serfdom. History Russia File
April 22, 2014 Nabokov: What to Read Today is Vladimir Nabokov's birthday, so we asked Russian Life contributor and Nabokov expert Diana Bruk where to start when reading the master. She offers with five annotated recommendations. Literature Russia File
April 10, 2014 Subbotniks: Soviet "Days of Service" Once, a group of factory workers decided to work without pay for the war effort. Somehow their voluntary sacrifice became the entire Soviet Union's mandatory labor - all "for the greater good." History Russia File
March 28, 2014 The Solution to Crimea Lies Through Finland You have to hand it to History. She has a very well developed sense of irony. Exactly 160 years ago today the Crimean War began... While it is useful for the current crisis over Crimea and Ukraine to understand history, solving the crisis is more likely through analogy. Russia File
March 18, 2014 In Defense Our definition of a Russophile is not someone who blindly embraces all things Russian as superior, but someone who is innately fascinated by Russia because it is different, because it is interesting, because it is important. Culture Int'l Relations Russian Life Magazine Russia File
March 07, 2014 7 Ways Not to Protest the Occupation of Crimea Russia’s occupation cum annexation of Crimea is a tragedy no matter how you slice the salami tactics. One just wants to protest, boycott, DO something. But what? Well, like President Obama and the EU, we’re coming up a bit short on the list of feasible and effective sanctions. But here are a few things we recommend NOT doing. Humor Int'l Relations Russia File
March 02, 2014 Kremlin Words Versus Deeds, A Gaping Chasm? Russia's occupation of Crimea, part of the sovereign nation of Ukraine, is wrong. It is wrong under international law, it is in violation of several treaties Russia has with Ukraine and the West, and it is even wrong according to Russia's own foreign policy "principles." So why did it happen? History Int'l Relations Regions Russia File
March 01, 2014 Pies to Brighten Bleak Winter Days These rich, slightly sweet pies from Karelia will warm up your end of winter days.
March 01, 2014 World's End The North can bewitch you, as Nikolai Gernet is reminded when he visits one of Russia’s most remote and attractive outposts. Travel
March 01, 2014 Secret Bunker A stark manifestation of Cold War fears, this hidden bunker outside London was to have housed the Prime Minister in the event of nuclear war. History
March 01, 2014 Chasing Nabokov In which a scholar of the great Russian-American writer goes in search of Nabokov’s other family estate. Literature
March 01, 2014 Mysterious Folk Art These strange, paddle-shaped boards, painted with lively folk motifs, had both practical and symbolic significance in village life. Art Culture