April 20, 2017 Counterfeit TP and Commuting By Ball Some folks form an Arctic military base or withdraw from mayoral elections. Others counterfeit toilet paper and roll through traffic in a giant ball. News The Weekly Russia File Russia File
April 13, 2017 Cosmonautics Day and Fruit in Disguise Investigations: the state of Russian cosmonautics, what happens to prohibited fruit, and when mourners aren't really mourning. Plus, sneaking pickles into space. News The Weekly Russia File Russia File
April 10, 2017 Revolution for Tiny Tots “It was a lot of fun during the Rivolushun. And I won’t never forget the Russian Rivolushun.” In which we look at the 1917 revolution through the eyes of schoolchildren at the time. Culture History Russia File
April 06, 2017 The bad, the sad, and the ice laser It's been a rough week in Russia, with the metro bombing in St. Petersburg, the disappearance of gay men, and the death of Yevgeny Yevtushenko. Luckily, lasers are kinda neat. News The Weekly Russia File Russia File
April 02, 2017 Russia's Greatest Crime Novel When you set out to write a murder mystery in Russian – or even in another language, but set in Russia – you should be mindful that you are following in the footsteps the greatest Russian crime fiction writer of all times, Fyodor Dostoyevsky. Literature Russia File
March 30, 2017 #Russiagate, Demos & Alaska Continuing scandal, new demonstrations, a sesquicentenial and a linguistic smackdown. Just another week here at TWERF. Environment Humor News The Weekly Russia File Russia File
March 30, 2017 1741: The Year Russia Discovered America You probably know that Alaska was bought from Russia well over 100 years ago. But do you know why Russia claimed the territory in the first place? Hint: who doesn't love a fur coat? History Russia File
March 27, 2017 March {Translation} Madness A random query led us down a rabbit hole to see how online translation engines are humming these days. Won't you join us? Humor Language Literature Russia File
March 23, 2017 Grab a Guinness for Orthodoxy Does Russian St. Patrick's Day have leprechauns? After you ponder that, there's a reindeer herder fighting big oil, humans-turned-Twitter bots, and a mysterious murder. News The Weekly Russia File Russia File
March 16, 2017 Meet Four Russian Centenarians One hundred years ago, in 1917, Russia was wracked by revolution, famine, foreign war, and domestic unrest. And yet, throughout 1917, babies were born, lives were started. History Photography Children of 1917 Russia File
March 16, 2017 Medical tourism, space tourism, imaginary tourism A Moon landing is on the horizon. Eurovision, with its typical set of scandals, is on an even closer horizon. And on your way, why not stop by Red Square for some dental work? News The Weekly Russia File Russia File
March 15, 2017 Who Invented the Ancient Slavic Gods, and Why? How it was that in the eighteenth century Russian mythology was trumped-up in the Western manner? Who wanted it? And where did we get Lel, Yarilo and Zimtserla? We explain everything you'd want to know about Russian fakelore. Culture History Literature Religion Russia File