March 02, 2019 Five Proverbs to Get You Hyped for Maslenitsa Learn some proverbs and eat some blini as the Slavic world prepares to celebrate Butter Week. Culture Customs Food & Drink Russia File
January 01, 2019 Baptism of the Christ Russia has its own way of marking Twelfth Night (Ephiphany). But as a Christian holiday it misses the mark. Customs Religion
January 01, 2019 A Winter's Tale (mostly about valenki) In Russia, valenki are as near as you can get to the country's number-one footwear after regular leather boots. Customs Humor Rural Life
September 01, 2017 Bath Day in Sheshurino “On Saturdays, smoke drifts over the village. The banyas are being heated.” Let’s go! Culture Customs Rural Life
July 01, 1995 Shchi soup: a not so invisible hand in history For many centuries, shchi soup has been a staple of Russian cuisine. There is evidence that shchi was known in Rus long before the adoption of Christianity in 988 A.D. Customs Food & Drink History Travel
Birch An excerpt from Darra Goldstein's new cookbook, Beyond the North Wind, in which she ruminates on the place of birch in Russian culture, food, and history. Customs Food & Drink History
Statistics Bits of data that offer insights into trends and events in Russia. Customs Economy Environment