August 01, 1999 Drag yourself to this! The lingo you need to know to understand talk about Russian music.
April 01, 1999 Lights, Camera ... Lights, camera ... a plethora of filmographic idioms and phrases for your lexicon.
January 01, 1999 Crisis Russian This column was spurred on the by the devaluation crisis of August 1998. It includes lots of useful bureaucratic language and other neologisms from the crisis era.
October 01, 1998 Ending Telephone Hangups Useful phrases and idioms for telephoning, screening calls and more.
August 01, 1998 Who Shall Judge the Judges? Great literary allusions with which to spice up your speech.
February 01, 1998 It's the Participation That Counts! Ah sports ... Here is the "mandatory program" of sports idioms and phrases.