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There are 28 item(s) tagged with the keyword "poetry".

Displaying: 11 - 20 of 28

11. At Zima Junction, 1943

A poem from the new volume Alcestis of the Underworld, by a regular translator of works published by Russian Life Books.

Tags: poetry, literature, siberia, gulag
12. Fire-Breathing Beast

A poem by Maxim Amelin, translated by Derek Mong and Anne O. Fisher.

Tags: amelin, poetry
13. The Popular Assembly

Krylov on democracy and how leaders are chosen: "However just the rules and laws, in unjust hands or beaks or paws they can be bent to serve the goal of leaders loath to lose control."

Tags: fable, poetry, krylov
14. The Wolf in the Kennel

Krylov on how one negotiates with wolves. Hint: one doesn't. "Of wolves I’ve learned a thing or two. With them there’s only one sure truce."

Tags: fable, poetry, krylov
15. We Once Had a Poet Named Tyutchev

Fyodor Tyutchev (whose 115th birthday is today) was endowed with genius and good luck: a great Russian poet, he was not killed in a duel or in the Caucasus.  Nor did he rot in Siberia, but instead lived until he was 70 and died in his own bed. 

Tags: poetry, literature, Tyutchev
By Anatoly Liberman
16. The Translator

Galina Sergeyevna Usova is a poet and translator of English prose and poetry. For the last few years, she has been standing outside St. Petersburg’s Polytechnic Institute metro station selling her books.

Tags: poetry, literature, language
17. The Babi Yar Tragedy, Remembered in Poetry

On September 29-30, 1941, Nazi troops shot over 33,000 Jews at the edge of the Babi Yar ravine near Kiev. Yevgeny Yevtushenko's poem memorializing the tragedy ensures it will never be forgotten. 

Tags: Russia, Babi Yar, Yevtushenko, Evtushenko, Holocaust, WWII, poetry
By Alice E.M. Underwood
18. Quotable Pushkin for Six Everyday Occasions

In honor of Alexander Pushkin's 217th birthday, here's a small sample of his poems to show that his writing isn't just pretty and witty – it can help you through almost any situation.

Tags: pushkin, poetry, russia, literature, history, eugene onegin, boris godunov, bronze horseman
By Alice E.M. Underwood
19. Two Miracles of Russian Love Poetry

On the occasion of Pushkin's birthday, we offer a post on the challenge of translating his most famous love lyrics, "Я вас любил," with a bonus look at Innokenty Annensky's "Среди миров."

Tags: pushkin, literature, russian literature, poetry, annensky
By Anatoly Liberman
20. More Dangerous Than Gunpowder

Under Stalin, a poem could mean life or death. For many poets, it was a one-way ticket to the Gulag. Today, poems can be a means to face cultural memories of arrests in the night, forced labor, and the silence demanded of people fearing those fates. 

Tags: poetry, gulag, prison, memory, history, literature, Akhmatova, Ozerov, Samoilov, censorship
By Alice E.M. Underwood

Displaying: 11 - 20 of 28

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