Groundhog Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich: The perils of teaching Russian literature in today's Russia How the New Authoritarianism is impacting literature and education.
A Prophet and His Country Thirty-five years ago this month, a little book was published that changed Russia forever. On the anniversary of the publication of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich, we asked two esteemed observers to offer their views on the great writer's legacy.
Russian and Me A translator with Russian roots ruminates on her past, and what it means to be a Russophile today.
Books to Read During the Great Pause We asked our editors, advisors, and frequent contributors to share a Russian literary work they felt was particularly apt to read during The Great Pause.
Anna and an Atlas In which we review The Anna Karenina Fix: Life Lessions from Russian Literature, by Viv Groskop, and Restless Empire, by Ian Barnes.
How Leo Tolstoy Shaped the Modern Melodrama On the 110th anniversary of Lev Tolstoy's death, we look back at his link to cinema: Tolstoy is more closely linked to the history of the cinema than any other writer of his time.