The acquisition – приобретение – of a шуба (fur coat) has long been viewed as a signatory purchase in a Russian marriage: it purportedly elevates the couple to new heights. That a husband would spend две штуки (two big ones, or $2000) in hard-earned cash is touted as proof of loyalty and everlasting love. To not do so, when coyly asked, can result in serious economic and other sanctions which I won’t enumerate. (So much for the non-materialist Russian soul, eh?)
In any event, this winter, yours truly crossed this momentous Rubicon. Thankfully, my прекрасная половина (better half) did not threaten or cajole, in fact assuring me she would love me with or without a шуба. But I knew she wanted it badly, so I had to put some бабло (dough) on the block.
I briefly considered if a mere дублёнка (lined leather coat) would do, but thought better of it. Past a certain age, a дублёнка simply не катит (“doesn’t roll,” i.e. doesn’t work). It also wouldn’t do to be considered скупой (a miser) or дешёвка (cheap) in the year of your cеребряная свадьба (silver anniversary, 25th). So the coveted меховое изделие (fur product) now hangs in our прихожая (entryway).
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