Search Results

There are 3 item(s) tagged with the keyword "relationships".

Displaying: 1 - 3 of 3

1. The Man Situation

Some women try to find love with soldiers. Generally speaking, it does not end well.

Tags: families, military, war, dating, relationships
2. Why Not International Relations?

"Sometimes there is a desire to remain silent about something, to not have a falling out, but this is the wrong strategy. Conversations, conversations, and more conversations. Find out from the get-go who cannot put up with what, for whom some moments are unacceptable, what responsibilities and rights you will have, and so on.”

– Russian Psychologist Kristina Yakubova, giving advice for couples in their first year of marriage that might do any (ahem) conflicted pair some good.
Tags: psychology, international relations, conflict, lovers, relationships
3. A Valentine Gift: He and She

In which we review Him & Her, Daria Geller’s marvelous, heartbreaking, new short film, inspired by Chekhov’s “Он и Она” (properly, “He and She”). A perfect film to enjoy for Valentine's Day.

Tags: chekhov, film, women, relationships, love

Displaying: 1 - 3 of 3

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