Category Results

To Tula! Samovar Optional ...
September 01, 2001

To Tula! Samovar Optional ...

Don't bring your samovar to Tula is just one of the idiomatic expressions related to tea and coffee in this issue's column.

100 Young Russians to Watch
September 01, 2001

100 Young Russians to Watch

This is the fifth in our series: 100 Young Russians to Watch. In this issue we present another 10 individuals from around Russia—artists, entrepreneurs, athletes and even a publisher ... all personifications of Russia’s future.

Bringing up Vanya Smith
September 01, 2001

Bringing up Vanya Smith

Thousands of Russian-American marriages in the past few years have an inevitable outcome: children. These mixed-culture families face a set of unique challenges. Lynn Visson, who has been interviewing Russian-American spouses for over a decade, offers a look at what it means to grow up half-Russian, half-American.

Food Briefs
September 01, 2001

Food Briefs

Food news from our Russian Flavors insert

First, the Bad News ...
September 01, 2001

First, the Bad News ...

Always, whether the journalism is good or bad, there are legions of unrecognized “heroes” slogging it out in the trenches, never to be recognized in the headlines or bylines.

September 01, 2001


All the news that fits from all across Russia.

Four Reviews
September 01, 2001

Four Reviews

In which we review two works of fiction, a film, and a volume on Russian treasures.

The Genius of Shostakovich
September 01, 2001

The Genius of Shostakovich

No musician in the 20th century has been more judged for what he wrote--versus what he composed or performed--than Shostakovich. We asked one of the participants in the controversy surrounding the prolific composer's biography to fill us in.

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Russian Life is a publication of a 30-year-young, award-winning publishing house that creates a bimonthly magazine, books, maps, and other products for Russophiles the world over.

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73 Main Street, Suite 402
Montpelier VT 05602
