May 01, 2005 How Long? Generally speaking, each issue of Russian Life contains about 30,000 words, or around 20-30% of a slim novel.
March 01, 2005 Virtual Russian A look at the language (which at times hardly seems like Russian) which reigns on the RuNet.
March 01, 2005 Calendar Items in Brief Short takes on some historical dates with anniversaries during this issue's publication period.
March 01, 2005 Thanks, Internet The internet makes this magazine possible. Yet the internet is very much a double-edged sword.
March 01, 2005 Sergei Yursky A profile of the actor, writer and poet who stood up to the Soviet regime and outlived it in both his art and his life.
March 01, 2005 Tasty and Healthy Veggie-burgers have a Russian antecedent. We give the recipe, plus some interesting cultural history on cookbooks.
March 01, 2005 Young Russians We Have Been Watching Four years ago, we profiled 100 Young Russians to Watch in the New Century. We felt it was about time to check back and see how some of them are doing.
March 01, 2005 A Conservatory in Peril The Moscow Conservatory is dangerously threatened by the river above which it floats, and by the bureaucrats who underfinance it.