November 01, 2013 The Poet Turns Historian How Nikolai Karamzin transformed himself from a noted poet into Russia's premier historian. History
November 01, 2013 A Cosmic Wedding When two cosmonauts - Valentina Tereshkova and Andriyan Nikolayev - wed in late 1963, it was the event of the year. We print an extract from the diary of its stage manager.
November 01, 2013 All a-Twitter In our Trends section, editor Maria Antonova looks at Twitter accounts by dead writers, sex ed through literature, and poll results at psychiatric facilities in Moscow... Social Issues
November 01, 2013 Science Wars The government wants to reform the Russian Academy of Sciences. Scientists are having none of it. Social Issues
November 01, 2013 Verbs Take a Holiday A look at a four verbs that have had their meanings warped in recent years. Useful stuff to know so that you don't inadvertently order a hit when at the restaurant... Language
November 01, 2013 The Death of Vasily III When Grand Prince Vasily III died in late 1533, his second wife, Yelena Glinskaya made her move, ruthlessly so. In so doing, she paved the way for her son to take power. Ivan the Terrible would rule for 37 years...
October 31, 2013 Dmitry Pozharsky: Russian Hero It's 1612. There's no tsar on the throne and the Poles have entered Moscow. Some may have despaired – but one man took the opportunity to save the country and earn his place in history books. History Russia File
October 28, 2013 Halloween Week: Get your Putin (and Brezhnev and Lenin) Masks here! We're all about public service. We just want to help you get through Halloween... You decide if the mask is scary or distinguished, awful or awesome. Holidays Humor Russia File
October 24, 2013 Reds, Whites, Greens, and... Blacks? The Russian Civil War was a messy affair, as civil wars so often are. Think you can identify all the colors? (Hint: Black is the color of anarchism.) History Russia File
October 17, 2013 RuNet: The Silly and the Serious Scenery, stereotypes, satire, and politics – all in a day's work for RuNet! Join us to learn about Russians arrested for riding bears, all manner of vodka infractions, and a tiny bit of election talk. Culture Humor Russia File
October 10, 2013 Spelling Reform: Who Gets the Credit? Soviet sources praise the Bolsheviks for simplifying Russian spelling in 1918. Who was the real author of the spelling reform, and what was the Bolsheviks' actual role in making it work? History Language Literature Russia File
October 03, 2013 Who “Discovered” Sakhalin? You think planting a flag on a piece of land makes you own it? Think again! With Sakhalin, it was just one step in the long back-and-forth between Russia and Japan. History Int'l Relations Russia File