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Putin is Dead! Long Live Putin!
November 01, 2011

Putin is Dead! Long Live Putin!

A round up of political jokes and jabs being bandied about in the wake of Putin's announcement that he will be running for the presidency again.

Contemplating Chernobyl
May 01, 2011

Contemplating Chernobyl

Just as Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus were preparing to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the deadly Chernobyl nuclear accident (April 26, 1986), the world faced a harrowing reminder of the possibility of nuclear catastrophe, as Japan’s Fukushima plant experienced multiple partial meltdowns, spewing radioactive material into the air and water.

Gorbachev at 80
March 01, 2011

Gorbachev at 80

A consideration of the photo exhibit and 80th birthday celebrations to honor Mikhail Gorbachev.

The Problem is Not Censorship
January 01, 2011

The Problem is Not Censorship

The beating of journalist Oleg Kashin in November has led many to once again focus on the state of Russian journalism. Guest columnist Alexey Kovalev considers another side of the issue.

Dueling Calendars
November 01, 2010

Dueling Calendars

Women journalism students from Moscow State University reveal 2 contrasting calendars.

The Kremlinologist Catechism
September 01, 2010

The Kremlinologist Catechism

There is a catechism that dominates American discourse on Russia today, any many of its underlying assumptions are unsupported by facts, figures or statistics.

A Poet Departs
July 01, 2010

A Poet Departs

A short note on the life and work of poet Andrei Voznesensky, who passed away on June 2, 2010.

Moscow Calling
May 01, 2010

Moscow Calling

Author Peter Aleshkovsky recounts his personal impressions in the aftermath of the March 2010 Moscow subway bombing.

Memories of Perestroika
March 01, 2010

Memories of Perestroika

Malcolm Gilbert, a longtime observer of things Russian and Soviet who has been leading academic trips to Russia for over three decades, casts his gaze back to consider the changes perestroika wrought...

Do Svidaniya Stirlitz
January 01, 2010

Do Svidaniya Stirlitz

"We were all Stirlitzes..." A fond look back at the stoic actor Vyacheslav Tikhonov, who brought to life the WWII spy Stirlitz.

The Powers that Bully
November 01, 2009

The Powers that Bully

When governments or their agents bully citizens, it is everyone's responsibility to speak up.

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