The Lens of History 1917 was a turning point – in history, and in literature. That is what this issue is all about. Literature
Nat Pinkerton and Modern Literature Chukovsky's seminal rumination on the arrival of pulp fiction in Russia. Literature
My Petersburgers Some intelligent people are conscientious. Often this causes them intolerable suffering... Literature
Russian and Soviet Science Fiction An introduction to this exciting collection of science fiction. Literature
Virgin Soil The author's final novel, in which he examines the young idealists of the "go to the people" era. Literature
Torrents of Spring From another highly autobiographical novel, in which a young traveler falls madly in love with a local German girl and imagines what might have happened. Literature
First Love Turgenev's most autobiographical novel, which tells the story of a 16-year-old boy's infatuation with an older girl. Literature
Smoke The novel after Fathers and Sons, in which Turgenev skewered Westernizers and Slavophiles alike. Literature
Fathers and Sons A short excerpt from the novel that brought Turgenev world renown, with its dissection of the divide between the liberals of the 1840s and the radicals of the 1860s. Literature
On the Eve Turgenev's third novel, set on the eve of the Crimean War, discusses the destiny of Russia through the story of a young woman named Elena, who marries a foreign revolutionary. Literature
The Petersburg Feuilletons A journalistic piece from 1847, in which Fyodor Mikhailovich lambasts "the dreamer" omnipresent in St. Petersburg life. Literature