
Category Results

Sergei Dovlatov
September 01, 2011

Sergei Dovlatov

This issue's Uchites language learning section focuses on writer Sergei Dovlatov, who would have been 70 this month.

Uchites 12
May 01, 2011

Uchites 12

The 12th installment of our Uchites insert uses the 60th anniversary of Nazi Germany's invasion of Russia as its theme.

Uchites 11: Biking and Travel
March 01, 2011

Uchites 11: Biking and Travel

The 11th installment of Uchites takes off from the article in this issue on Cycling Across Russia, to examine things such as verbs of motion.

Uchites 09
November 01, 2010

Uchites 09

The ninth edition of our Uchites language insert, sponsored by Russkiy Mir Foundation, uses the Itinerants art movement to explore the language of art. A recording is also available online.

Uchites 08
September 01, 2010

Uchites 08

The eighth edition of our Uchites language insert, sponsored by Russkiy Mir Foundation, uses the life and poetry of poet Sergei Yesenin to explore word roots, verb aspects, word endings, the prefix/preposition "po", and more. Two recordings are also available online.

Uchites 07
January 01, 2010

Uchites 07

The seventh edition of our Uchites language insert, sponsored by Russkiy Mir Foundation, uses the works of writer Lev Tolstoy to explore fruit, verb and adjective declensions, animals, and more. Three recordings are also available online.
Uchites 06
November 01, 2009

Uchites 06

The sixth edition of our Uchites language insert, sponsored by Russkiy Mir Foundation, takes off on our story about a White Sea lighthouse keeper to explore antonyms, verb and adjective declensions, and offers a murder mystery puzzle.
Uchites 05
September 01, 2009

Uchites 05

The fifth edition of our Uchites language insert, sponsored by Russkiy Mir Foundation, uses the life and work of Andrei Platonov to develop vocabulary, explore verb aspect and several issues of grammar.
Uchites 04
July 01, 2009

Uchites 04

The fourth edition of our Uchites language insert, sponsored by Russkiy Mir Foundation, uses the theme of media and news to explore grammar, build vocabulary and facility in reading Russian.
Uchites 03
May 01, 2009

Uchites 03

The third edition of our Uchites language insert, sponsored by Russkiy Mir Foundation, uses the theme of plagiarism to explore grammar, build vocabulary and facility in reading Russian.
Uchites 02
March 01, 2009

Uchites 02

The second edition of our Uchites language insert, sponsored by Russkiy Mir Foundation, uses the life and works of Nikolai Gogol to explore grammar, build vocabulary and facility in reading Russian.

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Russian Life is a publication of a 30-year-young, award-winning publishing house that creates a bimonthly magazine, books, maps, and other products for Russophiles the world over.

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73 Main Street, Suite 402
Montpelier VT 05602
