January 01, 2012 The New Russian Philanthrophy Several Russian billionaires are using their sudden wealth to underwrite education, literature, art and science. So why aren’t average Russians following their example? Business
October 05, 2011 What Would Steve Do? How to explain the feeling of sadness and loss that overcame me, as it did many others at hearing the new of Steve Job's death? I think it is simply that we have lost a visionary, a modern prophet, someone who changed the way we see the world. And when the world loses someone like that, especially when they are so young, it feels like the world has lost a bit of its future... Business Russia File
October 30, 2008 How to Fail at Business While Remaining Truly Russian Saw an entry from Stanislav Mishin's Mat Rodina Blog, when it was posted to Johnson's List. A superb and well-argued summary of several things Russian business people need to attent to if they want to do business with the West. Business Humor Russia File
July 01, 2008 Small is Beautiful The tentacles of Russian software outsourcing are everywhere. Even in tiny Montpelier, Vermont, where Russian Life has its publishing offices. Business
February 01, 2006 Cell Phone Mania A look at the astonishing rise in cell phone use in Russia. One report indicates that over 60% of Russians now have cell phones, versus just 25% two years ago. Business Culture Russia File
May 24, 2005 Russian Email Habits Why is it that Russians don't answer email? We explore this conundrum, and whether it has some roots in Russian business or personal culture. Business Culture Russia File
July 01, 1995 Under New Management A few weeks ago our company, Russian Information Services, agreed to take over as publisher of Russian Life. Business Journalism News
July 01, 1995 Transaero: What's all the fuss about? A look at no-frills debutante in the Russian aero market, Transaero. Business Travel