Search Results

There are 159 item(s) tagged with the keyword "dissent".

Displaying: 11 - 20 of 159

11. Russian Artists Crash the Pompidou

Russian artists brought unauthorized performance art to Paris's biggest contemporary art museum. 

Tags: anti-war, dissent, performance art, france, art
12. A Theater Director's Letter from Prison

While Zhenya Berkovich's trial keeps getting postponed, her two adopted daughters wait for her at home. 

Tags: theater, dissent
13. Facing Up

"Faces of the Russian Resistance" is a traveling art project that humanizes dissent in Russia.

Tags: political repression, law, dissent
14. To Vote or Not to Vote?

What could an anti-war Russian do in the 2024 presidential elections?

Tags: dissent, politics, election
15. Election Rebellion: Paint It Green!

Russia's 2024 presidential elections kicked off with voters pouring green dye and ink into ballot boxes.

Tags: vladimir putin, dissent, politics, zelyonka, elections
16. "Bandit Greetings" to the Oppositionist

In Lithuania, an unidentified assailant attacked Alexei Navalny's ally with a hammer.

Tags: russia file, espionage, international relations, politics, dissent
17. Words from Behind the Glass Box

A playwright and a theater director were arrested for a play criticizing ISIS. After months in jail, they spoke from their defendants' glass box.

Tags: dissent, women, art, theater, political prisoners
18. A Mathematician in Prison. Again

Political prisoner Azat Miftakhov was arrested on charges of "justifying terrorism" immediately after being freed.

Tags: dissent, russia file, science, political prisoners
19. Flowers and Handcuffs for Navalny

As Russia and the world laid flowers to commemorate Alexey Navalny, mourners were arrested at home and abroad.

Tags: memorials, death, dissent, political prisoners, navalny
20. Sudden Death

Alexei Navalny’s death was entirely expected, and completely unacceptable.

Tags: political prisoners, dissent, navalny

Displaying: 11 - 20 of 159

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